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Stepping Out In Wales

Mid way through our Welsh exploits and time to emerge from my semi WiFi less existence. No bad thing I can hear you mutter and I do agree. Plus we have a very laid back, sluggardly system in our latest holiday cottage. It’s speed is akin to the speed the cows move in our neighbouring field. They don’t very often, usually preferring to stay horizontal. The lambs that share their field bound up to them and then bound away again. The cows are probably elderly, like us, as the seem to prefer lying down a lot. OK it’s Wales but blue skies have reigned for most of our stay.

We have found a cycle track just minutes from our cottage. Turn left and it’s two miles to Caernarfon , turn right and you eventually end up in Bangor. Fortunately walkers and runners are allowed too in this green corridor that originally was created for the railway. Our friendly cottage owners tell us this was how the Queen was transported on the day of Prince Charles investiture as Prince of Wales. Hard to believe now as the trees and wild flowers rule. Orange tip butterflies flutter and bird song is prolific. You’ll have to believe me on this one as I’m only uploading a couple of photos now. It takes sooooooooo looooooonnnnnnggggg. If you get my meaning.

Our little cottage is somewhat basic with an electric meter that has to be fed pound coins. Oh that takes me back to my college days when feeding the meters was an expensive business and we usually shivered under blankets, so we had enough money for drinks at the college bar! One has to get priorities sorted. Now we keep watching the little dial so that we are not plunged into darkness during prime tv time. Have you started watching Innocent on ITV. I gather it’s on for four nights and so far I’d highly recommend it.

My step counter has gone into overdrive this week. Nothing less than 15,000 steps each day. This morning saw us pootling along the cycle track to a little village overlooking the Menai straits. Y Felinheli was its name but please don’t ask me to pronounce it. Everywhere the Welsh language dominates. Even locals pass us talking in their mother tongue. Needless to say I understand zilch. Stopping at Y Felinheli was pleasant way to pass time. Sitting watching Terns dive bomb for fish in the May sunshine was idyllic.

This afternoon we hit the North Wales Highway, the A55. An afternoon taking in the sights of the ancient walled town of Conwy. The medieval walls were still intact and helped us to add even more steps to our daily total.

So lots to share on our return. Meanwhile I’ll attempt to upload this post. It will take some time. Plus I’ll try and pop to visit your blogs......hopefully.

Barbara xxx

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