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Burrows and Badgers a Shrew a Sparrow and some Mice walk into a bar.

Last week was very busy and I'm still catching up with putting things up on the blog. I didn't do much painting last week apart from assembling the St Searles figures and getting them based but the week before that I still managed to get a fair bit of painting done in between things. I got a bit enthused doing a bit and ended up finishing several Burrow and Badger figures. They really do feel like the paint themselves.

First up is Honey of the Redhood a Mouse Maiden I love this figure she has if you look closely a chainmail underskirt on. I wonder what is in the basket?

Slinker Mouse Thief

Perhaps one of my fave B&B models whom I have named Swift claw the sparrow scout.

Grint the Shrew Warrior.

 Lady Nutmeg the mouse shield maiden.

My collection of Mice so far. I have one more to add but there are tons in the range still to get! Got to Catch them all!

All my Shrews all that I have left is to paint my Shrew Knight. (I think there are few more to buy though)
The Collection so far.

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